On-boarding with Stapel Managed Services

First of all, thank you for becoming a valued customer and partner of Stapel, LLC. We're very excited to be brought onboard as a trusted provider for your organization.
For the initial kick off and to get started off smoothly, we always do an initial call where we go through our process, set expectations, give you an overview of how things will progress and answer any of your questions to make sure you have the information you need to help us make this a successful start to the relationship.

To that end, here is what we will be discussing during that call

  • The Timeline and Overview of the following phases
  • System Setup
  • Tool Deployment
  • Information Gathering
  • Environment Configuration
  • End User Training
  • Go Live

We will go into more detail on those phases above during the call.  The call will take approximately 30 to 45 minutes depending on questions and the level of detail you would like to go through.

Prior to the call, we wanted to provide you with some resources so you can get a sense for the type of information we'll be addressing. Those can be found at the following links:

On-boarding Survey - This is a tool we use internally to make sure we gather all the details we need on our end. Some of this information will be requested from you, and some of it we will gather on our own.
Contacting Support - This page provides the necessary contact information you will need to contact our support desk.
Using the Ticketing System - This provides a walk through on how to use our ticketing system.