UC Feature Codes

Feature Access Codes (also known as "Star Codes") are entered through the phone keypad to control the configuration of certain features. To use a Feature Access Code, pick up the handset and enter the appropriate Feature Access Code (see below). For features that require additional input, follow the audible prompts to input the required additional information.

Note: These can also be found in the Extension Portal under the "Features" menu option.

Code - Feature/Service with Descriptions

*72 - Call Forwarding Always Activation

Redirects incoming phone calls to another number such as a mobile phone or another user within your company. After dialing the assigned code, dial the phone number to redirect calls to, followed by the pound key (#). e.g. *7212345678 will always redirect calls to 12345678.

*73 - Call Forwarding Always Deactivation

Disables Call Forwarding Always.

*21 - Call Forwarding Always to Voice Mail Activation

Sends all incoming calls to voice mail. e.g. dial *21 to forward to its own voicemail; *21102 will forward to extension 102's voicemail.

*34 - Call Forwarding Always to Voice Mail Deactivation

Deactivates the Call Forwarding Always to Voice Mail service.

*90 - Call Forwarding Busy Activation

Redirects incoming phone calls to another number, such as a mobile phone or another user within your company, but only when you are engaged in another call. After dialing the assigned code, dial the phone number to redirect. e.g. *9012345678.

*91 - Call Forwarding Busy Deactivation

Disables Call Forwarding Busy.

*40 - Call Forwarding Busy to Voice Mail Activation

Sends calls to voice mail only when you are already engaged in a call.

*42 - Call Forwarding Busy to Voice Mail Deactivation

Deactivates the Call Forwarding Busy to Voice Mail service.

*92 - Call Forwarding No Answer Activation

Redirects incoming phone calls to another number, such as a mobile phone or another user, when you do not answer your phone. After dialing the assigned code, dial the phone number to redirect calls to, followed by the pound key (#). e.g. *9212345678.

*93 - Call Forwarding No Answer Deactivation

Disables Call Forwarding No Answer.

*41 - Call Forwarding No Answer to Voice Mail Activation

Sends calls to voice mail when you do not answer your phone.

*35 - Call Forwarding No Answer to Voice Mail Deactivation

Deactivates the Call Forwarding No Answer to Voice Mail service.

*94 - Call Forwarding Not Reachable During Office Hours Activation

Forwards all incoming calls to a different number when your device is not registered on the network during office hours. After dialing the assigned code, dial the phone number to redirect calls to, followed by the pound key (#). e.g. *9412345678.

*95 - Call Forwarding Not Reachable During Office Hours Deactivation

Turns off the Call Forwarding Not Reachable Service for office hours.

*81 - Call Forwarding Not Reachable Outside Office Hours Activation

Forwards all incoming calls to a different number when your device is not registered on the network outside office hours. After dialing the assigned code, dial the phone number to redirect calls to, followed by the pound key (#). e.g. *8112345678.

*82 - Call Forwarding Not Reachable Outside Office Hours Deactivation

Turns off the Call Forwarding Not Reachable Service outside office hours.

*31 - Caller ID Delivery Blocking Persistent Activation

Activates the Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking service on all calls. When the extension makes calls to the SIP trunk, the outbound caller ID will never be delivered.

*32 - Caller ID Delivery Blocking Persistent Deactivation

Deactivates the Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking service.

*65 - Caller ID Delivery per Call

Displays your calling line ID for outbound calls on a per-call basis. Before placing a call, dial the assigned code. e.g. *6512345678.

*67 - Caller ID Delivery Blocking per Call

Activates the Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking service on a per-call basis. For example, if set up the PBX always delivers the outbound caller ID when making the call to the SIP trunk, but now wants to not deliver the outbound caller ID for the current call, just prepend *67 when dialing. e.g. *6712345678.

*68 - Call Park

Park a call against your extension or another extension. Once a call is parked, it can be retrieved from another phone by using the Call Retrieve Feature Access Code. To park a call, transfer an active call to *68 followed by the extension to park the 
call on, or # to park the call on your own extension. e.g. transferring an active call to *68 will park to the caller itself, to *68103 will park to the extension 103.

*58 - Group Call Park

"Parks" a call against the first available extension in a Park Group. Once a call is parked, it can be retrieved from another phone by using the Call Retrieve Feature Access Code. To park a call, transfer an active call to *58 followed by #.

*88 - Call Retrieve

Used to retrieve a parked call. Enter *88 followed by the extension that call is parked against. If the call is parked against your own extension, press the # key.

*44 - Call Recording Start

Starts a recording if a user has On Demand with User-Initiated Start or saves an entire recording in the On Demand mode.

*45 - Call Recording Stop

Stops a recording in the On Demand with User-Initiated Start.

*48 - Call Recording Pause

Pauses an active recording in the Always with Pause/Resume, On Demand with User Initiated Start, or On Demand modes.

*49 - Call Recording Resume

Resumes a paused recording in the Always with Pause/Resume, On Demand with User Initiated Start, or On Demand modes.

*55 - Direct Voice Mail Transfer

Transfers a call directly to voice mail. The call can be transferred to your voice mailbox or to any other voice mailbox. For example, to transfer a call to another user's voicemail, press the Transfer soft key, then enter *55 followed by the user's extension. e.g. transferring an active call to *55 will transfer to your voice mailbox; *55103 will transfer to extension 103's voice mailbox.

*56 - Shared Voicemail Access

To access shared voicemail from an IP phone, softphone app, or any other SIP endpoint, dial *56 followed by the shared voicemail number.

*57 - Voicemail Access

You can access your personal voice mailbox using your own phone or another phone by dialing *57. When you hear the audio prompt enter your extension number and voicemail password (PIN) and press #.

*63 - Silent Call Monitor

Silent Call Monitor allows a supervisor to eavesdrop on a call conversation. For example, if 102 is on a call, other granted users can dial *63102 and listen on 102's call without being discovered.

*97 - Directed Call Pickup

Answers calls ringing on another user's line. Enter the assigned access code followed by the extension of the user whose call is to be picked up.

*98 - Group Call Pickup

Enables you to pick up calls within an assigned call pickup group. The call pickup group is determined by an administrator. When you dial the call pickup code, the ringing phone in the group is answered. If more than one phone is ringing, Call Pickup will answer the call that has been ringing the longest.

*78 - Do Not Disturb Activation

Activates the Do Not Disturb feature. When Do Not Disturb is enabled, your phone does not ring and all calls were rejected by status code 486.

*79 - Do Not Disturb Deactivation

Disables the Do Not Disturb Feature.

*69 - Last Call Return

Dials the last number that called your phone.

*66 - Last Number Redial

Redials the last number placed from your phone.

*77 - Anonymous Call Rejection Activation

Allows users to reject incoming calls from callers who have blocked caller ID information.

*87 - Anonymous Call Rejection Deactivation

This feature disables the ability to reject incoming calls from callers who have blocked their caller ID information.

*74 - Speed Dial 8

Allows the user to associate one-digit (2 through 9) speed dial codes with frequently called or hard to remember phone numbers. To assign the phone number 12345 to speed dial code 5, simply dial *74512345. To delete the association with code 5, dial *745*.

*75 - Speed Dial 100

Allows the user to associate two-digit (00 through 99) speed dial codes with frequently called or hard to remember phone numbers. To assign the phone number 033723428 to speed dial code 06, simply dial *7506033723428. To delete the association with code 06, dial *7506*.

*76 - Anonymous Call Activation

Enables persistent make anonymous outbound call. Once successfully activated this feature, when make call to trunk, in INVITE message, the user of From header will be set as "anonymous".

*86 - Anonymous Call Deactivation

Disables persistent anonymous outbound call

*52 - Per Anonymous Call Activation

This feature allows you to activate the Anonymous Call service on a per-call basis. For example, by dialing *5212345678, the caller ID will be changed to ‘anonymous’ when the call is sent to the SIP trunk.

*62 - Per Anonymous Call Deactivation

Disables the Anonymous call service on a per-call basis.

*15 - Call Bridge

Allows a user with Shared Call Appearance, Anywhere, Executive, or Flexible Seating Guest service to join a bridge.

*33 - Automatic Callback Activation

Monitors a busy line and notifies the user as soon as the line becomes free.

*43 - Automatic Callback Deactivation

Disables the Automatic Callback feature

*46 - Peer Page/Intercom Call Activation

Activates the Page/Intercom on a per-call basis.

*36 - Set Agent to Ready

Change the agent state to "Ready" of the queue. Dial *36 to change the agent state to "Ready" of all queues that the agent belongs to; Dial *368000 to change the agent state to "Ready" of the queue that number is 8000.

*37 - Set Agent to Not Ready

Change agent state to "Not Ready" of the queue. Dial *37 to change agent state to "Not Ready" of all queues that the agent belongs; Dial *378000 to change agent state to "Not Ready" of the queue that number is 8000.

*38 - Log Agent In to Queue

Log the agent into queue. Dial *38 to log into all queues that the agent belongs to; Dial *388000 to log into the queue that number is 8000. If the queue is checked "Set agent to Ready automatically", the agent state will be changed to "Ready", otherwise will be "Not Ready".

*39 - Log Agent Out of Queue

Log the agent out of the queue. Dial *39 to log out of all queues; Dial *398000 to log out of the queue which number is 8000.

*70 - Hot Desking Login

To log into a hot desking device the user dials *70[Extension Number] (e.g. *70100). The Announcement service answers and prompts the user to enter their voice mailbox PIN number. Upon completion a confirmation prompt is played and the device is reprovisioned for the user's extension.

*71 - Hot Desking Logout

To log out from a hot desking device, the user dials *71. The Announcement service answers and prompts the user has been logged out. Upon completion, a confirmation prompt is played, and the device is reprovisioned for hot desking.